Boring Bangongshi - S02E12

Boring Bangongshi - S02E12.png

Comic Transcript







(Use a browser extension if you need pinyin.)

Relevant Pronunciation Points

  1. Expressing earliness with "jiu"

  2. Expressing "not at all" with "yidianr ye bu"

Editor Comments

It's a fact of life in China that employees often don't stick around long. In some industries, staying with one company for even just one year is somewhat rare. The Chinese word for "to job-hop" is 跳槽 (tiàocáo). That may or may not be what's going on in today's comic strip, but in any case, you're supposed to show some concern for the fates of your fellow co-workers!

The word 离职 (lízhí) is rather neutral; it doesn't clearly indicate whether a person left a company of their own accord or was forced out.


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