Boring Bangongshi - S02E10

Boring Bangongshi - S02E10.png

Comic Transcript







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When you think of stinky Chinese food, what do you think of? Stinky tofu, 臭豆腐 (chòu dòufu)? Or maybe that lovely fruit durian, 榴莲 (liúlián)? Those are both fair, but another offender contender (which also bothers many Chinese people) is the food from today's strip, 螺蛳粉 (luósi fěn).

In this dish, you may not see any snail shells or even snail meat, because the red broth of the soup is made with snail meat (and that's what brings the stink!). Here is a picture to give you an idea of how innocuous-looking this foul-smelling dish looks:

timg (1).jpeg


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